How Do The Ultrasonic Mouse Traps Work?

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A picture of a rat in front of a house.

There are plenty of tools and devices that you can use to help with pest control like smoke bombs, traps, or chemical sprays. One pest control device that’s been getting more attention lately has been the ultrasonic rat trap or rat repellent, which claims to drive away rats from a certain area.

But do ultrasonic rat traps really work? Most evidence shows they don’t, or they have a negligible effect that fails as long-term rat prevention or management solution.

How Ultrasonic Rat Traps Work

The scientific claim about how ultrasonic rat traps work is that they emit a loud sound at frequencies that only rats can hear, which makes them avoid certain areas. These frequencies are undetectable to humans and other animals, which makes these devices a humane and effective way of getting rid of rats. Some claims also point to them being able to function as an insect repellent.

However, numerous reviews from people who’ve used these devices say that they don’t make a lot of difference with rodent removal. While there is a sound scientific principle behind how these devices work (the frequencies that only certain animals can hear is well-documented), there are not a lot of studies that show or prove that this type of device works to control rats.

Even if the sound proved irritating to rodents, it’s a simple matter for them to adapt or change their routine to avoid the device entirely. Rodents are extremely resilient to any changes in their environment. Combined with the fact that these traps only deter and not catch or kill mice, using ultrasonic rodent traps are virtually useless with pest control.

More Effective Pest Control Alternatives

Fortunately, there are tried-and-tested methods that can help control rat populations and even prevent them from entering your property. Traps are some of the most effective ways to keep rodents away, and they can be deployed fairly easily and with no consistent upkeep.

Here two ways that you can leverage rodent traps:

1. Outdoor traps

When placed near potential entry points to houses and rodent dens, outdoor traps like snap traps and cage traps can be effective if you want to prevent rats from getting inside your home. Some traps are even designed to catch multiple rodents at once before needing replacement, which can give you plenty of use out of a single trap before you need to replace it.

The most important thing to remember when using outdoor rodent traps is to choose a design and material that can resist weather and other outside factors. Materials like plastic and metal are durable enough to work as outdoor traps, while designs like cage traps perform reliably when paired with the correct rodent.

2. Indoor traps

Indoor traps like glue or wooden clamp traps are excellent deterrents to rodents that have already reached the inside of your property. Place them near areas they travel frequently or near food sources to increase your chances of capturing them, preferably with bait that they can be attracted to.

One consideration to keep in mind is that indoor traps need to be placed in areas where they can’t be triggered by pets or children. Glue traps, in particular, can gather dirt and other debris, so you must place them properly to avoid messy cleanups and/or accidents.

How Can I Keep Rats Away From My Home?

Aside from using rat traps, other preventive methods can be effective at keeping rodents away from your home:

1. Trap and/or remove potential food sources

After building a nest, rats will often establish routes to the nearest unguarded food source. If you notice signs of rodent activity near places like your fridge, pantry, or other areas where you keep your food, you should either trap or move them to a more secure location. Without food, a rat colony cannot keep growing and will eventually move out. This is also the best time to put down products like insect repellent.

2. Clean and sanitize areas regularly

Rats use markers like droppings and urine to show to other rats where their nests are. Dirty property is the ideal breeding ground for rats since they can scavenge plenty of garbage and material to make their nests. Regular cleaning and sanitizing of the area are some of the best ways to discourage rodents from settling in it.

3. Identify and cover potential entry points

Windows, holes, vents, and pipes are all potential ways that rodents can get into your home. Since rodents can squeeze in spaces as small as half an inch in diameter, covering up any holes in your property is crucial for rat prevention. Other potential entry points also include thin drywall and rotting wood, so regularly check areas for signs of water damage or wear and tear. Products like mesh grills or covers work well, aside from acting as effective insect repellents.

4. Hire a professional

Finally, a professional pest control or rodent exterminator can give a comprehensive overview of how rodent-proof your property is. They can also recommend long- and short-term solutions to prevent rats, remove any rodents that have infested your home, and give additional information on how you can remove any mice that make their way inside.

Rodent Extermination And Exclusion With Pinnacle Pest Management

Despite their claims, ultrasonic rodent traps do not work and should never be considered as a solution for short- or long-term pest control. There are plenty of other alternative ways to keep away rodents like traps. With proper planning and execution, these methods can be effective at keeping rats under control.

With years of service in the metropolitan area, Pinnacle Pest Management can help you deal with any type of rodent infestation on your property. Visit our website today for our complete list of services and service areas.

Learn more: What Kind Of Insulation Is Rodent-Proof?

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